Architectural Control Committee

On 2013, the Braeburn Glen Civic Club Board assumed the duties of the Architectural Committee; Board assumes power

To avoid any additional expense please make sure you download the Braeburn Glen Architectural Control Committee Request form and submit for approval prior to any exterior work being done to your home. This year 2022 because of the lawsuit that was filed in 2021 by the previous board this year we are operating under the order of the court. What was agreed to by the previous board and the defendant was that anything that has been allowed in the past is permissible. Examples;

Resident allowed to build driveway into backyard and carport allowed.

Houses were allowed to be painted various colors including red that were not in the color scheme.

Numerous houses have buildings that are not within the back set back requirements.

Room additions to house were allowed, including enclosure of patios and garages.

Braeburn Glen ACC Request Form – Braeburn-Glen-Civic-Club-Architectural-Control-Committee-Form

The board will adopt new guidelines in 2023.

To be on the safe side, submit a request form.



Braeburn Glen Civic Club

P.O. Box 710346

Houston, Texas 77271-0346 



On Wednesday, March 9th, the board voted to encourage people to spruce up their homes that the board will waive the requirement that the homeowner asks the board for permission to do the following:

1. Paint your house; while we would appreciate it if the
homeowner chose neutral colors, it is not necessary. Over the last two years, the previous board has allowed houses to be painted red. So, paint your house and make our neighborhood look better!

2. Replace rotten wood on the house; any type of exteri
or repair of the house  including driveway repair. If it makes your house look better than it will make the neighborhood look better, then do so. WARNING, replacing more than 100 sq ft of siding requires a City Permit, driveway or walkway replacement/repair may require city permit.

Repair your home and make the neighborhood look better.

3. Roof shingles –
WARNING, city permit required. So, if your roof shingles need replacing, do so. Please either use asphalt shingles or something similar; anything else, we may take a closer look. An example of non-asphalt shingles that would be acceptable is metal shingles that look like asphalt shingles.


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